- 在英語國家的教育制度中, 近十年都致力推行 "Reading Recovery" 的輔助安排. 針對在小學初年級的學童, 每天接受半至一小時學校課程以外的英語閱讀訓練. 發現接受這安排的學童, 在短短幾個月時間內, 已在各學科成績上有明顯的改進. 學習態度亦隨之而變得積極. 正因本港小學並非全部用英語為教學媒介, 學童校外補助英語的需要更見逼切. 及早鑒別他們對學習英語的需求, 為升讀中學奠定良好基礎.
- 怎樣衡量 Reading Recovery 是否奏效?
- 孩子能否獨立讀寫英文
- 孩子能從課程中獲得額外知識
- 孩子會主動閱讀英語課外書
- 閱書蟲的一系列英語閱讀班, 目的與Reading Recovery概念相附相成. 利用 一套通識英語課外叢書系列, 通過適當裁剪課程, 配合良好師資, 加強學童讀寫能力. 針對提升學童英語水平的需要,啟發他們對英語,閱讀及通識的興趣.
-"Reading Recovery" programme has been practised in most English speaking countries for over 10 years. The programme provides supplementary half hour to one hour English reading assistance to certain children in lower primary school. It has been proved beneficial to the recipients by the remarkable progress in both academic results and their learning attitudes.
- Although not all children are in English-medium primary school, the need for English supplementary classes is even more eminent to ensure a sound base in English and a smooth transition to EM Secondary school.
- Our reading classes coincide with the concept of "Reading Recovery" programme. By making use of a series of non-fiction liberal studies graded reading material, we aim at developing children's interests in both English reading and non-fiction knowledge.